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‘Suvrat Industrial Products India Private Limited’ has been established with a vision to provide best solutions in the field of flexible packaging in central India. We have developed our manufacturing unit at Mandideep Industrial Area in state capital of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal. We are keenly focused to work with various food, healthcare, textile and consumer goods industries under flexible packaging segment..

Our plant has been designed to follow the best Industrial practices, taking into account various hygienic and safety norms as per food/ pharma Industries. We have applied for ISO:22000 Certification, which is under process. We have separate dedicated facility for quality checks, Test labs and R&D centre. Allocated space for finished good/raw materials is kept under thorough inspection to ensure cent percent quality measures.

• Well defined area for different processing steps.
• Separate area for storage of Inks, Cylinders, Raw materials.
• Distinguished storage & material movement tracks.
• Triple layered Insulated shed wall for Temperature control..
• Positive air pressure system to keep the working area clean and temperature regulated..
• Building and amenities as per ISO & BRIC Guidelines.
• Test Lab & R&D center equipped with latest machineries for Dart test, Tensile strength, Opacity tester, Ash content Test, Shrink test, Gauge meters as per industry standards
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Article on MSME Circular

इकाई का नाम - सुब्रत इंडस्ट्रियल प्रोडक्ट्स इंडिया प्राइवेट लिमिटेड, मंडीदीप भोपाल (मध्य प्रदेश) उत्पाद - फ्लैक्सिबल प्लास्टिक पैकेजिंग इकाई द्वारा उत्पादन विस्तार एवं तकनीकी उन्नयन हेतु "सेंट्रल इंप्रेशन फ्लैक्सो प्रिंटिंग" मशीन लगाई जा रही है जो कि मध्य प्रदेश की प्रथम मशीन है इसमें पर्यावरणीय समस्याओं को दृष्टिगत रखते हुए ऐसी फ्लैक्सिबल पैकेजिंग विकसित की जा रही है जिसमें प्लास्टिक पूर्णतया रीसायकल (पुनर्चक्रण) होकर दोबारा उपयोग हेतु लाया जा सकता है|

Our one and only priority is the customer satisfaction

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Why we are best

• Well defined area for different processing steps.

• Test Lab & R&D center equipped with latest machineries for Dart test, Tensile strength, Opacity tester, Ash content Test, Shrink test, Gauge meters as per industry standards.

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